Seneca Academy teachers have not only been in the profession for decades, we have incredible longevity here at Seneca Academy. What is most wonderful for me as an administrator is that these folks have such experience, but are not stagnant in their work. Rather than teach the same things the same way year after year, faculty members work to learn current thinking in “best practices” and to improve where it is needed. They truly embody the International Baccalaureate attributes of “thinkers,” “risk-takers,” and “inquirers,”and the attitudes of “curiosity,” “commitment,” and “enthusiasm.” I am working now on identifying the professional development activities we will support for next year, and I have so many people who want to participate!
Role modeling lifelong learning is a key aspect of our work here. So is sharing our knowledge with others. Our teachers are stepping up to this more and more. We have faculty members who serve on our Board of Trustees. We have several people who have or will serve on AIMS’s visiting accreditation teams, evaluating other schools. We have a teacher who serves on an IB evaluation team, also evaluating other schools. Our teachers are not just communicating and sharing their experience here at Seneca Academy, they are contributing to the wider community.

It is my hope that we will continue these efforts, and that many more of our experienced educators
will share their knowledge. To that end, we are setting up opportunities in early May for parents and others to come in to Seneca Academy and talk with our teachers about best practices in early childhood and elementary education. Stay tuned for more details!